Influence the course of our apps through surveys, interviews, and live testing of upcoming apps and features.
What is beta testing?
Software products (like conservation apps) can go through stages of testing with users to ensure quality, usability, and effectiveness. Often, early versions of apps are considered to be in the "alpha" (or first) stage, or the "beta" (or second) stage, depending on how far along they are in development. Defining these stages helps determine the most useful testing that users can participate in to further improve the user interface and user experience. Accordingly, beta testing, is the process of testing apps to see if they meet users' needs and perceptions during the beta stage of app development.
How does it help us?
We perform beta testing for a number of reasons. Firstly, it is an invaluable opportunity to receive feedback from practicing conservationists across the entire community to ensure our apps are useful and effective. Secondly, we strive to deliver the most advanced versions of our apps to provide their value as soon as possible. Through alpha and beta launches of our software that accompanies these user testing initiatives, we are able to publicly deliver conservation apps faster while consistently meeting user expectation.
Previews of updates.
Inform decision making.
Shape our apps.
Convenient for you.
You choose your level of involvement based on your schedule and interests.