Collaborative Mapper

Interactive team mapping made easy.

Mapping Together

Collaborative Mapper lets multiple users interactively create and edit geospatial data. No more sending multiple files back and forth. Start a map, invite collaborators, and seamlessly edit the data together.
Collaborative Mapper screenshot


Share maps with colleagues and invite collaborators without creating multiple copies of geospatial data. Collaborative Mapper lets you invite other users to contribute to your map, tracking changes and comments in one place.

Manage Edits

Collaborative Mapper offers a rich set of features to create, document, and accept edits to geospatial data. Users can propose additions, deletions, and edits to your geospatial data along with explanations for the changes. Collaborative Mapper notifies and highlights these for you so you can easily see what changes were proposed and understand why. As a map owner, you can ultimately accept or reject these changes.

Upload And Import Data

No matter where you’re starting from, you can start building an editable map in Collaborative Mapper. Either upload and save your own data or create a fresh map and digitize from scratch.If you need to find data as a starting point, Collaborative Mapper has built in connections to import publicly accessible ecological data. For example, species range data can be imported into Collaborative Mapper projects from the Environmental Conservation Online System (ECOS) maintained by the US Fish and Wildlife Service, as well as from the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF) API.

Publish Your Work

Think other conservationists will be interested in your map? Share it! You can make any map in your workspace public, enabling colleagues to view and comment on it.
Collaborative Mapper screenshot

Interested in participating in beta testing?

Help us improve Collaborative Mapper so it can be more helpful to you!
As a beta tester, you will be able to help us shape the future of our apps. Sign up and choose your level of participation to start helping us push the platform forward. You will also have the option to receive regular email updates about this app and other new features we plan to add in the future.

Coming Soon

CM undo feature
Collaborative Mapper is getting an upgrade!
June 30th, 2021
Over the next few months, the team at will be developing and testing features that will upgrade the existing functionality of the app and streamline the user experience.We look forward to beta testing with our mapping community during this next stage of technology development.
Collaborative Mapper Update
September, 2021
Over the summer of 2021, CM will be updated to improve the user interface and the user experience. These updates include improved layer visualizations, streamlined map-making tools, and additional map and geometry layer data management features.
Collaborative Mapper Beta Launch
May, 2021
With the launch of our updated platform, we have released the Beta version Collaborative Mapper, or CM. CM uses the core mapping technology of Refined Range Mapper and expands upon features that are useful for the broader community of users interested in conservation mapping.
Refining Range Maps
2018 - 2021
We have been working with USFWS to improve their processes related to updating species ranges, and supporting these updates with the best available science. The Technology Team at CCI has built an app, called Refined Range Mapper, to provide a dynamic, map-building web interface with designated owner and collaborator user permissions to facilitate these processes.